CQC Consultation
Are you a phlebotomist and unsure if you need to be CQC registered? We can help you.
Speak to our team who have a breadth of knowledge on regulatory requirements. Here we will assess your experience, your plans and your goals to determine whether or not your services requires regulation.

CQC Consultation

Care Quality Commission and Phlebotomists
Who are the CQC?
The Care Quality Commission is an executive non-departmental public body of the Department of Health and Social Care of the United Kingdom. It was established in 2009 to regulate and inspect health and social care providers in England no matter if they are Private or NHS.

Care Quality Commission and Phlebotomists
What does that mean for you?
For many phlebotomy practitioners, it may come as a surprise to learn that CQC registration applies to you. There have been advancements in regulations recently which makes it even more important to know if you could be at risk of investigation by the CQC. Or Book a £30.00 consultation with our team to get started and help ease you into the process and framework

Care Quality Commission and Phlebotomists
What does it entail?
You can contact the CQC directly to open a case and start exploring what your legal obligations are to become a regulated practitioner or clinic. Registration depends on how your phlebotomy service is set up and on whose behalf are you performing blood tests. From the CQC’s perspective, phlebotomy typically falls under the Diagnostic & Screening regulated activity.
Governing Contact Information
England & Wales
CQCTo contact the CQC directly you can call 03000 616161 or send and email to enquiries@cqc.org.uk
Care InspectorateTo contact the Care Inspectorate directly you can call 03456009527 or email enquiries @careinspectorate.gov.scot
Republic of Ireland
HIQATo contact Health Information and Quality directly you can call (021)2409300 or email info@hiqa.ie